There are many types of photography, where you really don’t want to be messing around “editing” things post-capture (I mean other than the usual tone and colour adjustments to compensate for any technical shortcoming in the camera), images where the content is the main element – life, travel, social commentary are “of the moment” and show something real. This is not what I’m talking about here. What I’m presenting involves the use of a camera, to capture all of the “assets” required to make a final image that is more at the “art” or creative end of the spectrum. I find it useful to think about this in terms of movie making. The techniques are very similar in many respects, although there are things we can do to a still image, post production (ie after we shoot), that are more difficult to do in a movie. There are also practical effects on-set that are much easier and cheaper to produce for a still photograph.
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Landscape with Lighting
Fancy a trip to Skye next March? We’ll be shooting the landscape, but with figures in it – with outrageous ballgowns, and flowing fabrics. Using long exposures to provide movement trails from the gowns, fabric, hair, and water and location flash lighting to illuminate and freeze our models. Contact to book your place, or message me. There are two 3-day sessions – with 3 attendees per session.

The Fog Workshop
Finally – we have set the date for the first fog workshop at Atlas studios in Bolton!
Sign up here

Creative Lighting Workshop
We’re back at the fabulous Atlas Studios in Bolton for another workshop on adding a creative edge to your glamour, fine art and beauty portraits! Call the studio to book your place…

How I create the 1930’s Hollywood Glamour Look
Over on DIY Photography, you can find my write up of a recent shoot where I used classic lighting and some DIY cardboard stencils to create this classic glamour style:-
How I create Hollywood glamour portraits in the studio with continuous lights and DIY cookies
New workshop date for March – Sunday 16th
Wow! We sold out another workshop in Feb, so we’re putting on a 3rd date in March. Sunday 16th at 11am at Body Couture Studios in Congleton. The content will be more or less the same as the feb workshop – it’s all about learning the basics of lighting, and moving towards adding drama and impact using light and other elements, such as movement, fog, styling….. See below for details!
Lighting Workshops in partnership with Body Couture Studios
I am very excited to be teaching a workshop on lighting at Body Couture Studios on the 26th January. The workshop will cover some of the underlying science, a tour of the typical equipment used, and then move on to practical sessions covering how to meter the light, where to place the lights to get hard or soft light, how to adjust the position to balance the lighting on certain features of the subject, how to skim and feather the light and how various modifiers can be used to help achieve these goals. These will be part demonstration and part hands-on for the attendees.
Finally, we’ll be looking at how to incorporate motion into your shots combining continuous and flash light for a classical dance shot.
The course is suitable for anyone who has never used flash before and wants a jump-start into the world of creative lighting, and people who are familiar with studio lighting and would like to take the next step in controlling the light to get the picture they have in their heads, onto the memory card.
The course is for a half-day on the morning of Saturday the 26th Jan (10am start) At Body Couture Studios in Congleton, Cheshire. The cost is just £95 and you can book your place by calling Becky at Body Couture Studios on 0772 039 5723. You can find out more about the studio at
As a born tinkerer, engineer, and all round nosy person, photography has held my attention for a number of years. The challenge of getting a better image than before, or better than everyone else (this is a tall order), and the challenge of overcoming the limitations of the current technology and techniques have engaged me in this activity for some years now. I’ve learnt a variety of techniques over that time, from portrait to landscape. Whilst I wouldn’t claim to specialise exclusively, Landscape photography is what I’m currently working on. Landscape photography is one of the most challenging forms of photography, as so much is beyond your control, and so much effort must be applied to get the results.
This web site hosts the images I’ve selected from my catalogue that I like the most, some articles about how some of them were made, and anything else that comes to mind.
I hope you enjoy looking around, and that some of my observations and methods are of use.