Tag Archives: nasa

Disney is great and all, but NASA still has the best show in Florida.

_OHL9651-WebsiteA couple of weeks ago, we all set off to Orlando, Florida – to “do the parks”.   It’s a festival of queuing:  queue-fest 2016.   Queue technology is in full swing with “fast passes” and apps with queue times that will optimise your queuing.    The queuing is punctuated with 2 minutes of being thrown about or on a tour of some animated display.  It’s not my thing – but we were there for the kids – and they had a whale of a time – which is all that matters.

On Sunday though we drove out to Cape Canaveral and the Kennedy Space Centre.   When we flew into Orlando over the east coast of Florida you could clearly see the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) on the flat landscape below.  Not surprising as it’s the biggest single storey building in the world.   This is where they assembled the Saturn V rockets for the Apollo programme and prepped space-shuttles for launch.  We took the tour out to the Saturn V centre (and more on that later) and our driver, Steve just happens to mention that there’s a launch on the following Thursday probably around 8:37am, and we might all like to come back for that.

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