Miss Fahrenheit


A trial of running a studio background in our kitchen.  Not ideal, however it worked just fine for head-shots, 3 quarter and we even squeezed in a few full length ideas.  I can see a few ways of getting some more room to the sides for the lights for future shoots.  First time I’ve ever put out a casting call for “TF” i.e. Time for Images, or doublespeak for a collaboration shoot between model and photographer.  I advertised for a model for this shoot on Purple-Port – a marvellous photographer/make up artist/model/studio networking and marketing site.  Miss Fahrenheit applied.    This all worked very well.  I hear stories all the time about how either the model or the photographer didn’t show up and I guess you will get those, however I got a good feeling from the emails that Miss F. was serious, and besides, I was doing this at home, so the risk was minimal as I hadn’t paid out for studio time.

I ran through some tried and tested light set-ups and then we mixed it up with some fog, flare, shooting much closer, and finally out into the garden with the speed-lights.  It was bloomin’ cold and windy that day, so not ideal for playing about with lights.  ended up using my smallest £4.65 speed-light soft-box as anything else was being blown about, even on the end of my heaviest boom with 5kg mass attached.   Need to get some fog/smoke into the outside shots, with some back-light, however these worked well as a mix of soft-box and ambient.

Miss Fahrenheit does a fantastic look over glasses, and has a fantastic profile with world class lips :).  She also holds a degree in Photography and which meant I could actually waffle on about light, colour and other stuff which normally sends the model to sleep 😛   We had really productive afternoon and it was a pleasure to work with Miss F.  We’re planning some more shoots in the near future.  You can check out her portfolio on PurplePort here  http://purpleport.com/portfolio/missfahrenheit/


photocrati gallery




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